Setting New Boundaries in Old Relationships

The holiday season is often a re-entering into your oldest relational wounds. In another week or so, you’ll go sit across the table with those who you have a history of hurt with, and maybe some level of tension. If you want to continue on in a relationship with them, but you want to do […]


When he was still with us, Dallas Willard was asked by a student of his to describe Jesus in one word. Many options are on the table for such a question, as those options include, Healer, Savior, Redeemer, Lover, or Lord. Willard’s answer was equally striking. Sitting back in his chair, as though he was […]

Can Loneliness Kill You?

You may have been tricked into believing that it is not “good” for you to feel lonely. This is not true. Loneliness is either true for you in any given moment, or it is not. In fact, loneliness exists to remind you of something that has always been true about you: You are made for […]

Kicking Codependency & Experiencing Healthy Relationships

Codependency is all too common. What’s worse, it keeps you from experiencing healthy and mutual relationships with those who matter most. Here’s what codependency is: codependency is excessive emotional or psychological reliance on another. How do you know if codependency is true for you in your relationships? Here are five symptoms: You feel responsible for […]

The Weekender’s Guide to Restoration

Chances are, you worked your tail off this week. As you head into this weekend, here is the question: Will your weekend be one of reprieve, or one of restoration? Here is the difference: Reprieve is when you take a temporary break from the pressures of life. You have a few drinks, you watch a […]

When You Practice Presence, Everyone Benefits

In this caffeinated world we find ourselves in, it is so easy to lose yourself in all of life’s demands. There is even a temptation to double down on hurry and anxiety in order to make it to the bottom of your list. Here’s the problem with hurrying through life to get it all done: […]

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