The Inward Journey

“Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you.”

– St. Augustine of Hippo

Perhaps this is the great misunderstanding of life? You look for validation, worth, and love outside of yourself, only to find that it was always within.

For many, the journey inward happens in the second half of life. You must come to the end of your outward success or acquisition story to realize that that which is without will never satisfy.

Has this happened yet for you? Like Solomon, have you acquired and achieved your way to a place where life should feel full, but is really empty?

If so, it is time for you to make your inward journey.

At Plumline, we know what it feels like to be disappointed in life, and we know how to guide you deep inside to recover the parts of you that have gotten lost along the way. If you are exhausted from searching and not finding, or achieving but never experiencing contentment—I invite you to apply for an upcoming Plumline group or retreat.

When starting with Plumline, you will journey within to nourish and recover the heart system of your spiritual anatomy. This work is critical, mostly because when Jesus was asked about the essence of life, he responded with, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30, NIV) After doing the work, many people find that their heart system has been the most neglected part of their spiritual anatomy. After all, so many of us have been told that our feelings are the enemy of true spiritual work. But this is not true. How can you experience deep and connected relationships with God and others if you are disconnected to what is true inside of you?

Plumline 1 is a weekly experience consisting of 12 sessions that is designed to restore and nourish your heart. The core of this process is based on Dr. Chip Dodd’s 8 core feelings as seen in his book Voice of the Heart. In Plumline 1, you will learn to identify the feelings true inside of you, and you will grow your capacity to honor them. Until you learn to do this for yourself, you will never honor others. A critical part of the Plumline 1 process is confronting lies that have emerged from your wounding experiences and worked their way into your operating system. These lies are robbing you of real connection and deep meaning in life. You will finish Plumline 1 with new emotional skill sets, relationship tools, and fresh truth to replace your core lies. Essentially, you will gain everything you need to care for your own heart through which you can experience lasting connection with God, others, and yourself.

The inward journey calls. Will you answer?

Here’s to the second half of life,


Or call us anytime at 615.212.9391

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