How to Practice Presence

If you’re like most of us, you’re coming to terms with the fact that the end of summer is just a few weeks away.

Kids are going back to school, schedules are changing, and it may seem like your life is about to get busier than ever…

So, how do you make the most of the summer you have left? How do you walk into your next season with a strong sense of clarity, resilience, and peace?

I encourage you to spend these remaining weeks practicing presence. My wish is that you would find a daily rhythm that makes true rest your reference point for life.

It is tempting to spend these in-between days asking where the time went or to anxiously think about what’s next. Instead of doing either of those things, what if you stood still in the moment and practiced presence with God, others, and self?

Here’s how:

  1. Find a peaceful place
  2. Imagine your breath flowing in and out as you breathe deeply
  3. Open yourself to the sounds, smells, and sensations on your skin
  4. Observe the world around you, accepting it exactly as it is
  5. Listen in your gut for God’s whisper to you

Practicing presence is how you make the most of the summer you have left. It’s also how you set yourself up to prioritize your next season (instead of reacting to it).

Here’s to soaking up this last bit of summer…

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