What does “spiritual anatomy” mean?

Photo by Julia Blumberg on Unsplash

If you’re new to Plumline, you might be wondering what we mean when we talk about your “spiritual anatomy.” That’s a fair question! Last we checked, biology textbooks don’t make any mention of it.

In those high school science classes, we learned that our bodies are made of systems: each of us has a respiratory system, and a circulatory system, and a skeletal system, etc. Working together, these systems keep us alive and keep us moving.

But as humans, we’re not just bodies: we’re spiritual beings. Just as our physical health can be understood by paying attention to our physical anatomy and systems, our emotional and spiritual health can be understood by our attention to our 4 spiritual anatomy systems.

If you want to learn more about that, check out this episode of the Hero Journey podcast, which features a conversation that Dr. Jake recently had with Ian Pratt. In it he explains:

  • The four systems make up our spiritual anatomy
  • How we can tell if they’re health or unhealthy
  • Why personality tests can’t tell you who you were created to be

If you’re curious to discover what it looks like to be spiritually healthy, this podcast episode is a great starting point. Many thanks to Ian for inviting Dr. Jake

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