“To be steady while the world spins around you…”

It is a new year, but the task is still the same.


Yes, in this restless world you find yourself in, there can be sanity.

There can be stillness.

Stillness is what Jesus had the night a furious storm came and waves swept over the boat. Stillness is what the archer accesses when she aims her arrow. Maybe you’ve felt stillness on a walk long overdue, or halfway through a favorite novel?

Stillness makes life slower, and who doesn’t need that?

It’s been said that, “Stillness slows the ball down so you can hit it.”

Consider this, too: stillness slows the moment down so you can make it.

If you want healthier relationships, new heights at work, or even a less exhausted existence—you need stillness to do it.

Stillness is not far from you; it is as near as your next breath.

In through the nose, filling the belly, and out through the mouth.

Exhale whatever it is that is speeding you up. Learn to name whatever it is that takes you away from the present moment, so you can start to undo its power over you.

Slow down and experience the miracle that is your life.

Allow yourself to matter this much.

Allow for stillness.

Or call us anytime at 615.212.9391

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