
When he was still with us, Dallas Willard was asked by a student of his to describe Jesus in one word. Many options are on the table for such a question, as those options include, Healer, Savior, Redeemer, Lover, or Lord.

Willard’s answer was equally striking.

Sitting back in his chair, as though he was reviewing his relational history with Christ, the late philosophy professor from USC answered in this way:


I don’t know about you, but I was struck when I read this. I know he is relaxed, but something about Willard’s reply prompted me to review the scriptures through the lens of relaxation. I was reminded through this lens that Jesus:

  • Waits 30 years to begin his public ministry
  • Has just three years to do his earthly work
  • Adopts a curious marketing strategy he referred to as, “Don’t tell anyone.”
  • Takes on the limitation of being in one place at one time
  • Has the entire fate of mankind depending on him
  • Is rejected
  • Is resurrected
  • Is relaxed

Jesus’s unusual ease in life offers us a view into the interlocking worlds of heaven & earth. His relaxation reveals who he knows & how much he trusts Him. Jesus is relaxed because he is with, and relies on, the father.

Perhaps you would be willing now to relax, care-free in the arms of God? Allow yourself to fall back into the One that enjoys and empowers you.

At Plumline, we base all of our work on the ancient Shamah framework that Jesus quotes in the 3 synoptic gospels. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus calls the Shamah the “greatest commandment,” and even goes so far as to say, “All the Law and the Prophets hang on these.” (Matt. 22:40)

If you’re normal, you lost critical parts of you in your journey through life. I find that those critical parts are often the heart and soul parts of one’s spiritual anatomy. The heart is where your feelings live (and true wants/needs reside). The soul part of you is where your True and authentic self live. That is, the self that God made you to be.

It is incredibly difficult to feel “relaxed” if you are living a fragmented life. What’s worse, you are not experiencing the life of love that you were designed to live. . .

If “relaxed” is something you seldom feel, I get it. If critical parts of you are not connected to “The Relaxed One,” you are, at best, relegated to a life of anxiety and increasing despair.

You can change this. If you’re actively looking for ways to experience more peace & rest in your life, I’d like to invite you to schedule a call with me here. Together, we can develop a custom spiritual plan that helps you get the critical parts of you back that have gotten lost or gone missing.

Here’s to experiencing the “Relaxed” One,


Or call us anytime at 615.212.9391

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