Our Process

The Plumline process seeks to bring your Spiritual Anatomy to fullness. Like your physical body is made up of systems (circulatory, nervous, muscular, etc.), your Spiritual Anatomy has systems too: Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength.

The Heart System | Ensures you connect deeply with others

The Soul System | Clarifies your true identity and purpose

The Mind System | Provides structure and order to life

The Strength System | Empowers you to advance and achieve

Most people are living dominantly from one of these systems, and the others remain in various stages of lesser development. When we live like this, the result is a fragmented life riddled with anxiety, or depression.

The Plumline process is designed to nourish the underdeveloped parts of you so that you can show up fully to the people and things who matter most in your life. The process takes place in a group of 8 people, and begins with our Plumline 1 program called, “Growing Healthy Relationships.”


A weekly experience consisting of 12 sessions designed to restore and nourish your Heart System. The core of this process is based on Dr. Chip Dodd’s 8 core feelings as seen in his book Voice of the Heart.


A weekly experience consisting of 12 sessions that guides you through the process of restoring your Soul System. The core of this process is based on the Jungian archetypes as seen in the book King Warrior Magician Lover.


We offer our Heart and Soul Programs in a LIVE virtual format. Don’t let your distance from Franklin, TN, keep you from pursuing the support, guidance, and development you need!

Or call us anytime at 615.212.9391

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