Our President

Dr. Jake Smith Jr. | Our President

My name is Jake, and I’m passionate about guiding people to reimagine life, and live it more abundantly. I spent twenty-one years as a pastor and church planter where I was responsible to help build large, thriving organizations that would have a positive impact on the surrounding community. But I was losing my own family in the process.

One night while I was dutifully putting my daughter to bed, her little voice whispered to me in the darkness, “Hey, Dad. If I could line up all the Dad’s in the world, and I could pick a nice one, or you…I’d still pick you.” There was probably not another human on earth who could have given me that kind of feedback without me becoming defensive, or dismissive. But I couldn’t shake the sentiments of my own little girl.

After a lot of my own healing and transformative work, I came to understand that I was missing some critical parts of my human design. Those missing (or at least malnourished) parts made it difficult for me to connect with those I wanted to be close with, and made it difficult for them to connect with me! This resulted in a lonely marriage, shame with my kids, and an anxious relationship with my work.

Once I was able to reclaim those missing parts, the process of integrating them into my life began. Seemingly with each passing day my relationships grew deeper, and my life gained more peace, and meaning. As a result I discovered how my own wants and needs could get met in a healthy way, and I started to understand my life’s path more clearly. I am now dedicated to helping others discover this rich and meaningful life. It is never too late for anyone!

If you are interested in exploring this path towards wholeness for yourself, I have created a free e-book that can help you identify which parts of your human makeup may be missing in your own life. This e-book also has suggestions for daily practices that can help exercise each of these parts respectively, and can help integrate them into your life. If you would like to book a free session with me, we can work together to design a path towards your own healing and growth.

I’m with you, and I’m for you,


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