Create healthy relationships | Discover your purpose


Plumline | Heart Program

Many of life’s implosions and explosions happen because you have learned to dismiss your own heart. In our “Growing Healthy Relationships” program, you will discover why your heart is essential for deeper life, love, and leadership. You will also learn where and how you began to dismiss the heart part of you, and you will go on a journey to rescue your heart, reconnect it, and start to nourish it so that you can show up fully to the people and things who matter most. This is critical to living an abundant life because the heart is not only the realm of emotional intelligence and mental health, it is the place where all of your true wants and needs reside.

After doing the work, many people find that their heart system has been the most neglected part of their spiritual anatomy. After all, so many of us have been told that our feelings are the enemy of true spiritual work. But this is not true. How can you experience deep and connected relationships with God and others if you are disconnected to what is true inside of you?

Our “Growing Healthy Relationships” program is a weekly experience consisting of 12 sessions that are designed to grow your emotional intelligence and mental health. The core of this process is based on Dr. Chip Dodd’s 8 core feelings as seen in his book Voice of the Heart. During our program, you will learn to identify the feelings true inside of you, and you will grow your capacity to honor them. Until you learn to do this for yourself, you will never honor others. A critical part of our process is helping you confront lies that have emerged from your wounding experiences and worked their way into your operating system. These lies are robbing you of real connection and deep meaning in life. You will finish the program with new emotional skill sets, relational tools, and fresh truth to replace your core lies. Essentially, you will gain everything you need to care for your own heart through which you can experience lasting connection with God, others, and yourself.

Our next live HEART cohort begins February 12, 2025



Plumline | Soul Program

It is easy enough to dive into personality tests like the Enneagram, or the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator and then emerge believing that your “type,” or those “four letters” define who you are. This is NOT true. Assessments like these do not tell you who you are. They reveal who you had to become to survive your life. Your True Self is actually buried underneath all those layers of predictable patterns of thinking and behaving known as your personality. At Plumline, when we talk about Soul Work, this is the work we are referring to—a return to who God made you to be in your core essence.

The soul system is the place where your true identity lives. Unlike the Heart part of you which is akin to a toddler (Very needy, very valuable, and in need of nurture) the Soul part of you is wild, and vast. It is more like a National Park, or an ocean. There is so much inside of it waiting to be discovered, but it can be a dangerous task to go and seek it out. And it is worth it.

The Soul is where your visions and dreams are born, and where your purpose and calling come alive. When you are disconnected from your Soul, you are pigeon-holed to live a limited life held back by the barriers of your personality. When this happens, you end up serving someone else’s dream rather than realizing your own.

Our “Discovering True You” program is a weekly experience consisting of 12 sessions that guides you through the process of recovering your true self. The core of this process is based on the Jungian archetypes as seen in the book King Warrior Magician Lover by Robert Moore, and Douglas Gillette. In our “Discovering True You” program, you will do the work of transcending your personality by discovering and learning to live as your True Self.

Our next SOUL cohort begins February 18, 2025



Plumline Heart & Soul Programs

Plumline’s home base is in Franklin, Tennessee, but that shouldn’t prevent you from pursuing the support, guidance, and development you need!

We offer our “Growing Healthy Relationships” group and our “Discovering True You” cohort in a LIVE virtual format! 

Each live virtual cohort meets weekly via Zoom for 12 sessions where you will be guided through our sophisticated process for deepening your life, love, and leadership.

Whether you feel stuck, exhausted, or overwhelmed by all the demands and pressures of life, Plumline virtual groups offer you a relational network of support, and a sophisticated process to get rejuvenated on your way to a healthy, more sustainable life. Our alumni report a greater sense of relational connection, emotional health, and life motivation once completing their Plumline experience. 

If you would like to learn more about our “Growing Healthy Relationships” cohort, or our “Discovering True You” cohort, please scroll up and check them out in the sections above!

Our next virtual SOUL cohort begins February 18, 2025



Plumline’s weekend intensives provide an immersive experience of our Heart and Soul programs. The weekend unfolds at a resort style destination with check-in on a Thursday evening and check out on a Sunday afternoon. Over the course of this 3-day, 3-night experience, you will benefit from 12 weeks of group work in a weekend! The schedule ebbs and flows in such a way that you leave feeling inspired, equipped, and rejuvenated.

Marriage Intensive | February 27-March 2, 2025

SOUL Intensive | March 20-23, 2025


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