Frequently Asked Questions

Is Plumline clinical therapy?

No. Clinical therapy can be a very important part of your healing process. In fact, some things can only be addressed in a clinical environment. But Plumline is not clinical. We are a personal and spiritual development company providing a safe space to share your life experience and be guided toward healthier ways of thinking, relating, and living.

Can I be in a Plumline cohort with my significant other?

We consider this question on a case-by-case basis.

We believe that participation in a Plumline cohort can greatly impact your relationships for the better. Part of the process involves being able to speak openly and confidentially about anything and anyone. Thus, in some cases, it’s advantageous for couples to participate in a separate cohorts.

That said, we offer some marriage programs that are specifically designed for couples to travel this journey together.

If you want to find out how Plumline can enrich your marriage, reach out to us: we’d love to explore your needs and consider how we can best support you and your spouse.

Is Plumline faith-based?

Yes. Your beliefs do not qualify or disqualify you from a Plumline cohort.

The Plumline process is rooted in the ancient Judeo-Christian framework known as The Shamah (Love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and your neighbor as yourself). Jesus declared this to be most important aspect of life (Mt. 22, Mk. 12, Lk. 10).

We believe a person’s Spiritual Anatomy consists of four parts: heart, soul, mind, and strength. Plumline seeks to nourish and integrate these parts.

Is Plumline right for me?
Everyone who participates in the Plumline process experiences some level of internal change. Part of the application process for Plumline helps identify whether clinical work should come first. You must also be willing to hold space for yourself and for others—an essential part of the Plumline process. To determine whether Plumline is truly right for you, click here to book a free consult.
Who will know about my participation in Plumline?

Your participation in Plumline will be confidential. Outside of our Plumline in-house team and your fellow cohort members, those to whom you disclose your participation will be at your discretion.

How many people are in a cohort?

Plumline cohorts consist of around 6 people, plus a certified Plumline facilitator.

What kind of people will be in my Plumline cohort?

Plumline cohort are co-ed and available to all walks of life. One shared commonality is that everyone in the cohort is hungry for more out of life and comes ready to do the internal work.

How long is a Plumline cohort?

Plumline Heart & Soul cohorts consist of 12 weekly sessions over a four month period. Cohort meetings follow the natural flow of the calendar and take breaks during weeks like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and so on. Each weekly session lasts 90 minutes.

Plumline Intensives offer the Plumline Heart or Soul process over a three-night, three-day experience. Intensives provide 12 weeks of guided transformational work in one weekend.

Where do Plumline cohorts meet?

Plumline offers both live and virtual cohort experiences. Live cohorts meet at the Plumline office in Franklin, TN. Virtual cohorts meet via Zoom.

Our intensives take place at a resort-style location with chef prepared meals and your own private lodging.

How much work is required between sessions?

Very little. There will be times when you are asked to do some reflective writing, but there is not a lot of “homework” outside of cohort.

When do Plumline cohorts begin and end?

New Plumline cohorts are available in Jan./Feb. | May/June | Aug./Sept. 

Intensives take place 6-8 times per year. Please check the Experiences page for upcoming options.

Is financial support available?

Yes. If helpful, Plumline is able to receive payment by breaking up the cost into installments. If the price is still out of your reach, please email us to discuss further:

How much does Plumline cost?

One-on-one or couples sessions with Jake are billed at $170/hour.

The Plumline Heart and Soul cohorts cost $1,600 respectively, which covers all 12 sessions and materials. This can be broken into 4 installments of $400, drawn at the start of each month during the cohort season.

Plumline Intensives cost $3,900, which covers everything from arrival to departure including gourmet meals, your own private room and bathroom, resort amenities, select merch, a Plumline journal, and of course, the guided cohort experience.

Click here to book your free call to explore further.

Do you have a question about Plumline that isn't listed?
Email us your question here at

Or call us anytime at 615.212.9391

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