Rediscover the strength of your own heart.

Do you believe that your heart matters?

Many of us walk through life trying to silence and avoid our hearts. We don’t do this because we’re heartless. Anything but! We’re just trying to keep these fragile things safe.

Time and again, our hearts have been broken. Distracted parents made us feel alone and unwanted. Insecure friends made us feel like inferior outsiders. Fickle lovers have convinced us that nobody wants to see or know our true selves.

It can feel like our hearts just don’t matter in the grown-up “real” world.

We’re here to tell you that’s not true. Your heart matters deeply. In fact, your heart is the key to the rich life and love you’ve always wanted.

This online course—based on our life-changing group experience—will equip you to show up fully and authentically in every corner of your life. It will guide you to learn where and how you began to dismiss your heart. Then, empowered by this discovery, it’ll teach you how to nourish it.

When you finish this program, you’ll possess newfound confidence. A confidence that comes, not from this material, but from your own heart.

Are you ready to experience lasting connections in the relationships that matter?

Check It Out on YouTube

Get a feel for the course by viewing the course introduction video from Dr. Jake Smith, Jr. on YouTube.

How This Course Works


Like our life-changing group experiences, this online course is hands-on and interactive. You’ll walk through 8 sessions, each of which includes 2 videos and 1 worksheet of writing exercises.


When you register, you’ll gain instant access to the first two sessions. The other sessions will be released one a time, every three days, so that you have space to reflect and engage with the course material.


That said, there’s no set schedule for you to follow. The program is designed to be self-paced. You can watch the videos anytime and anywhere, through your web browser or on Circle’s mobile app.

What People Are Saying About the Plumline Course

Engage Wherever You Are

The Plumline course is available via the industry-leading Circle community learning platform. You can access the course at anytime, from your laptop, phone or tablet.

FAQ’s About The Course

How much time should I set aside to complete each session?

We recommend giving yourself 30 to 45 minutes per session. However, you shouldn’t feel any pressure to complete each session according to any set schedule. Take as much time as you need to sit with the material and process this important work.

What’s the difference between the online course and Plumline’s group experiences?

The online course covers the same teaching as our HEART weekly groups and weekend intensives. However, unlike our program offerings, this online course is designed for individual self-study, to be completed at your own pace.

Can I interact with other students in the online course?

Our course is hosted on a community platform called Circle. When you register, you gain access to dedicated chat forums along with our course content. This allows you to share your experience, engage with fellow students, and request technical support when you need it.

How much does the course cost?

The course is accessible via a one-time fee of $295 for lifetime access.

Or call us anytime at 615.212.9391

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