The Way Through “Church Hurt”

Have you experienced “Church Hurt?” This subject isn’t everyone’s favorite to talk about, but it is a CRITICAL CONVERSATION that must be had. This is what “Church Hurt” is: Church Hurt is the feeling you have when someone in the church harms you emotionally, spiritually, mentally, or physically. This hurt is particularly painful, especially when […]

The Dark Side of “The Bright Side”

Have you ever experienced the following scenario: You open up about a recent disappointment, only to be told how you should, “Look on the bright side?” Then, they remind you that someone else has it worse. . . Let’s be real, the proper human response to hurt isn’t gratefulness or even positivity. The proper response […]

Losing Religion & Finding Jesus

Perhaps you have experienced a version of religion that feels demanding and exhausting? It feels like when an institution demands you practice your faith a certain way, insisting their process is the only way, and their secondary (or tertiary) theological emphases must be prioritized while undervaluing the core tenets of true Christianity. There is an […]

You’re Not The Voice In Your Head

Ego is the voice in your head. It is the voice that is constantly pulling you off into the future, demanding that you must fix, solve, plan, or perform. Or maybe it is dragging you back to the past, demanding that you fixate on that thing that was said or done, “back there.” Ego is […]

A Bit on Breathing. . .

Is it possible that shallow breaths make for a shallow life? Science seems to think so. . . In this caffeinated culture we find ourselves in, it is no wonder why heart rates, blood pressure, and stress are through the roof. In a recent article, Scientific American went as far as to suggest the following: […]

The Inward Journey

“Late have I loved you, O Beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you. In my unloveliness I plunged into the lovely things which you created. You were with me, but I was not with you.” […]

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